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Don't forget to include your First & Last Name, your best contact phone number and to tell us a bit about your case. 

CLICK TO Call Us:  (281) 815-0063

400 Louisiana Street Suite 800
Downtown, TX, 77002

(281) 815-0063

Leonard Law Firm Houston, TX. #1 Criminal Defense Attorney. We practice criminal law for felonies, misdemeanors and white collar crimes. 

Being charged with a crime can be a very stressful experience especially if you are unfamiliar with the criminal process. We fight to ensure that you attain the best possible result for your particular case. 

Call us immediately to protect your rights! 

(281) 815-0063

Protect Your Rights Contact Us

If you have been charged with: aggravated crime, assault, arson, burglary, drug charges, intoxication assault, murder, sexual assault, weapons charges, criminal mischief, DWI DUI, domestic assault charges, theft, prostitution, embezzlement, employee theft, insurance & mortgage fraud, theft trade, secrets securities fraud, or ponzi-schemes- call us immediately (281) 815-0063 to protect your rights. 

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We know life comes at you fast, so we made it easier than ever before to reach us.

Protecting your rights is only one tap away.

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🚗 5300 Memorial Dr., Suite 750 Houston, TX. 77007

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📲 (281) 815-0063


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